Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Build Character as a Family

How can you build a Character Family?
Character building as a family can be boiled down to four essential steps:
Step 1 Evaluate your PERSPECTIVE towards your family.
Step 2 Formulate a PLAN for developing character together.
Step 3 Begin to PRACTICE the basic principles of character building.
Step 4 Develop a PROCEDURE with practical steps of action.
(Find out details of each step by )

Developing character involves making a decision to apply a specific quality to everyday life. The “I will” statements break down a quality into practical commitments.

Practical application:
Say the 5 “I will”s aloud with your family and help your child memorisethem. /when children disobey, point them back to these commitments they have made.

This Month’s Character is “Obedience”

I will obey my authorities immediately.
I will have a cheerful attitude.
I will complete all that I am expected to do.
I will not complain.
I will go the “extra mile.”

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