Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Building a Character Family Step by Step


1. Take responsibility for your family.
Every parent has a choice between mediocrity and excellence in the home. Decide whether you will face your responsibilities and make your family your first priority or run from your responsibilities and watch yourself and your family pays the consequences.

2. Decide to aim for a successful home.
Success in the home is achieved by examining the way things are right now, setting your sights on the way they should be, and making the investments necessary to get from where you are to where you want to be. Short-term “loss” of time, energy, and convenience – if properly directed – will result in long-term gain for the whole family.

3. Make the connection between character and success.
The most powerful motivation for developing character is the connection between a person’s goals and the character qualities necessary to achieve these goals. For example, if becoming a truck driver is the goal, a few qualities to focus on would be attentiveness in watching the road and traffic, responsibility in safety transporting others’ goods, and punctuality in reaching the destination on time. It is essential to realize that your family will not achieve true success without character.

4.Make a personal commitment to character development.
Until a leader is committed, the followers probably won’t be. Commit yourself to develop your own character first and foremost. Not only is this approach the basis of leadership, but your children will be watching you even more closely after you become a Character Family. They will learn more from your example than from anything else. Don’t let this fact scare you away from becoming a Character Family. On the contrary, let it motivate you.

(Taken from “Achieving True Success” – How to Build Character as a Family)

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